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Django Software Development Project: Voyagers

Check out our live website (hosting by heroku)

Full code can be viewed in Github


Voyagers provides a platform that helps people match their travel companions based on their customized travel profiles and preferences.

Voyagers provides holiday package tours to famous destinations and attractions, as well as popular local activities.

Voyagers will offer inexperienced and experienced travelers who are seeking travel companions to go abroad and share their experiences with their new group of friends.

Background Story

Planning an entire days-long trip can be quite hectic. Not only do travelers have to plan out the accommodations, attractions, and transportation, they may also have to recruit their own travel buddies themselves and there is a huge chance that their friends won’t be able to travel with them. These tasks can be time-consuming and redundant. It can also be quite intimidating because of the lack of understanding, especially for inexperienced travelers. A good full-package travel planning service can be very helpful in this case. While many current travel service platforms focus on providing travel packages and deals to a group of travelers, few assess the social importance of tour groups amongst the travelers. Fewer give the options for the attendees to get to know their companion travelers beforehand if they meet through the tour package. At Voyagers, we work hard to provide full holiday packages with modern themed experiences, and matching service for like-minded travelers to group up for their next adventure.

Application Requirements

  1. Python 3.7 or newer

  2. Django 3.1.2

  3. Pip

  4. Virtual Environment

  5. pytest

  6. Other packages listed in requiremtns.txt

How to use the website

  • Users have access to Sign up , Log in,About us, Upcoming Tours, Tour Detail, Survey Questions for Tour Preferences, User Dashboard and Contact pages from top menu bar.

  • Create user account from Sign Up page, or if users already have an account with us, simply sign in using Log In page.

  • After Log In users can also have access to their Profile Dashboard and be able to edit the information through the Setting tab located at the end of the side menu.

  • If users want to learn more about our website's concept click About us.

  • We also have a contact form that is attached to the bottom of our About Us page, or users can simply click Contact in the menu bar.

  • Upcoming Tours displays all of our available and upcoming tours. Users can also see the Tour Details for each tour.

  • In Upcoming Tours, we offer a search bar that helps users to filter out the city they would like to see. The All button would help to redisplay all available tour packages.

  • User can take the Survey Questions Quiz to save their future destinations and preferred companions.

Application Concept

Targeted Demographics

College students, newly graduates, young professionals, unexperienced or experienced travelers.

Main Features

  • Tour packages with famous destinations and activities

  • Display Tour and Companion preferences


  • Tracy Nguyen

  • Jerry Jiang


Post: Blog2_Post
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