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Image by Remy_Loz


"More than anything, what data scientists do is make discoveries while swimming in data"
-Harvard Business

About: Bio


I am International Student from Vietnam. I have studied and lived in the U.S. for more than 10 years. I left my country to pursue a better education and opportunity here in the U.S. 

San Diego, CA is the first and current city I live in. 

I achieved B.S in Global Business Management in 2018 from Cal State San Marcos (CSUSM) with a Marketing emphasis.

After graduated from my Undergrad, I found myself interested in website design and development so I signed myself up for the Full Stack Web Developer certification program from UCSD Extension. It was hard at first since I did not have any background in coding or am familiar with programming languages, but that did not stop me from continue learning and improving every day. I still remember how I spent days and nights, tried to catch up with a small project in class building a weather forecast application. After months of training and learning, with full supports from T.A, instructors, and classmates, I finally completed the certification with more knowledge in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Database systems (MySQL). And that was the beginning of the programming and data journey.





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In 2019, after a year working on my OPT job and achieving Full Stack Web Developer, I got admitted to Claremont Graduate University (CGU) with a Master's Degree in Information Systems and Technology. My goal was to expand and learn more about how technology changes the world, as well as applying technical and programming skills to solve business challenges and goals. 

Throughout my master student years, I have met and talked to so many smart and bright people, who inspired me with so many lessons, projects, and ideas. The experience in projects helps to sharpen my technical and analytical skills. I was introduced to the data science track with the goal of applying my knowledge to uncover solutions hidden in the data. I still remember how our senior team discovered the hidden facts and trends in Viability Patterns Discovery. The project used exclusive real-life data from Kite Global, a GILEAD Science Company. The company was amazed by our findings and continues to take our suggested direction in order to develop more useful solutions in the future. 


Besides school projects, I also worked as Teaching Assistant for SQL database courses that utilize Microsoft SQL Server. This job has taught me a lot about how to design the database, answer students' questions about SQL queries and relational database structure. I guided and graded students' homework, quizzes and acted as a consultant for their final project. 


I have learned that being a successful data scientist takes more than just knowing how to make sense of the big sets of data. You also need to understand business issues and how to address them with analytical solutions. 


After 2 years of being a full-time master's student, in May 2021, I proudly graduated with a Master of Science in Information Systems and Technology with Data Science emphasized. 


Currently, I am looking for a new position in Data Analytics, Data Science, or Data Engineer as a part of my OPT program. I am still participating in a couple of programming language and data visualization online classes to master my knowledge and skills.

* No sponsorship needed in the future.

About: Text
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